Fatherly Advice On Vinyl

It’s a twofer today, as I couldn’t decide which of these two “fatherly advice on vinyl” comic strips was better. That’s your job! Do me a favour and vote in the poll below for the strip you think is best.

Here’s the first:

Dad vs Vinyl Then and Now comic, Paul Watson 28-06-12

Bonus points if you can name all the album covers in these 2 strips.

The second:

Fatherly Advice on Vinyl comic, Paul Watson 28-06-12

Even more bonus points if you appreciated how my dad looked more and more like Ron Swanson towards the end (a happy accident).

There you go, two quick comics coming at the same “punchline” from different angles. Vote for the best approach below!

Which do think is more effective?

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The 1st Led Zeppelin, Kinks Lola Vs. the Powerman or something or other, and I am not sure of the album cover with the palm tree. The Eagles?

Wow Jeremy! Quick on the draw. Very close too. That palm-tree one is something a lot more modern than the other 2. The idea for the choice was to show that vinyl is still in production… you’ll kick yourself when you find out, as it’s a big one (and Canadian).

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